
In 2020, entirely in love with Lofoten’s wildflowers, I started creating flower wreaths as a way to celebrate the summer solstice. For three days, I was coming to the same place and made a new wreath with different plants on each of those days.

Later on, I started collecting flowers to create layout wreaths. This has helped me to learn about plants, to compose colors, shapes, and textures. Being present at that moment while arranging flowers, singing, or humming to myself has been one of the best memories of this crazy pandemic year.

Working on such flower arrangements is like meditation. It enables me to creatively focus on the beauty of nature and, for a couple of hours enjoying the colors & shapes without judgment & rush of everyday life. I encourage you to do the same, to follow what you actually love doing without always putting something else first.

It might feel frivolous, and there are probably a million excuses for you to do something else more “important,” but believe me, once you tap into something like this, you will feel full & content. Playing with photography is also great fun; practicing color composition teaches us a lot.

Making small decisions like this builds a bigger picture on how to make ourselves happy & fulfilled.

Spring 2022 during a two day beginners course at HerSpace (link) one of the participants shared an idea with me to organise an embroidery course based on real, live plants. I got super excited with this idea and decided to run workshops like these. This way we can connect nature, creativity & art under one roof in a special way. I would love to share what I have gained thanks to being in the presence of all these flowers and leaves. You can sign up for the course going through the WORKSHOPS page. 

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